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Jun 30
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I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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Ooof. All Fours. I love your take on it and also Petya's. I originally wrote about this back in April when I first read the book and my take then was on how everyone raves over books with explicit sex when it's a "literary" read, but when it's in a romance book, it's dismissed as trash. I still am grappling with that! As a child of divorce, I have a *lot* of feelings about when fulfilling ones own desires is selfish and how to honor ones own desires while also fulfilling responsibilities to those we love ~ those of course colored some of my feelings about this book as well. Overall, though, I just can't stop thinking about it. I don't recommend it to friends, but gave it 5 stars because of the brain-stickiness.

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That’s such a good point about literary novels vs. romance. I understand not being able to stop thinking about this book. I can’t, either, and that’s one of the things I love about reading. Even though parts of All Fours didn’t work for me, I appreciate the different perspectives fiction offers, even when they’re perspectives I ultimately disagree with. Thanks for your thoughts, Katy!

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Thanks for linking Pocketful of Prose. I’m so glad you enjoyed Bonfire Opera. I have read many of Danusha’s poems but not that book so your post prompted me to request it from the library. I love her writing so much! I also requested an organizational book written by the same author as one of the ones you mentioned. It focuses on decluttering for more intentional living which is kind of where I want to be. Im

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Nice! Aren’t libraries the best?

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Coloring while listening to an audiobook is GENIUS why didn’t I ever think of that! Or maybe one of those paint gem art things that get peddled to me in ads

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I haven’t tried that activity, but it sounds fun, too!

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Last summer I had an eye surgery, and read What Lies in the Woods with the other eye. It was a struggle, but I couldn't put it down until the end.

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That’s serious dedication! It’s definitely a page-turner.

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