Great list of interesting trails to follow - Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for taking the time to share this Andrea. I want to acknowledge you for the time and effort it takes to create content regularly and share with the world. I enjoy reading in this format as it’s sometimes easier to digest the information in small chunks. I’ve played around with my format in this way too. I love the Seth Godin’s statement around trust. My default is to trust people and lead with an open heart. Only if they break my trust and give off negative vibes will I set a boundary. I know that’s not the norm but I try to be what I want to see more of in the world. I shared this post in bulleted form you might enjoy it: https://open.substack.com/pub/soulwisdom/p/my-birth-day?r=a9uns&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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