I appreciate so much everything you've said here, Andrea. I especially value the paragraph beginning with this sentence: "Choosing to see people as beloved and trying to feel empathy toward them does not mean that they shouldn't face consequences for their actions." My heart today is feeling tender and angry; I don't think those are mutually exclusive. I'm grateful for the range of responses in the writing I've encountered this week, showing me all the different ways in which people who want the things I want are reacting to what's happening to us. I am trying to ground myself in what is real, what we know right now. I'm no longer allowing people to gaslight me about what I know. I've known for more than 8 years what was happening; I hoped I was wrong, but turns out I was right. (Not the prize it's always held up to be.) As awful as the challenge ahead of us is, I feel better able to meet it than I did 8 years ago. I'm looking for ways to stay strong and build strength. Connecting in places like this is one of them.

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“I'm no longer allowing people to gaslight me about what I know.” I love that. Thank you for sharing so openly and wisely.

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I don’t think I’ve let myself be sad or angry enough. I’m trying to figure out how to make space for that and let others make space for that too. Maybe it will help my stomach. 😂

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It will help your stomach! Write it out and throw it away 🙂

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I will be singing Sara Watkins all day. Thank you for this!

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Love all of this so much!💜

I need to work on being tender.

Thank you Andrea!

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Thanks, SC! 🤠

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