These are great! Have you seen the Instagram account taylorswift_as_books? Might give you more display material. 🙂

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No! I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!

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This is so much fun. I love it. Did you like Normal People? Someone put it in the little free the other day and I grabbed it because I thought you had recommended it but then I put it back because I thought I had got it confused with another book.

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I love Normal People. I can’t believe you don’t have all of my recommendations memorized. 😃

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We did this for the teen section at my library, as well as doing a friendship bracelet making event. Think it was just as popular with the staff as the teenagers 😅

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I love the bracelet idea! Taylor unites us all. 🙂

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cardigan works so well in the context of Normal People!! I never would've made that connection, but the lyrics fit perfectly. This list is so well thought-out!

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Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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These are so excellent!!!

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Thank you! ☺️

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