I love this. Dan just picked up The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store from the library. Kate Bowler is also on my to read list this year. I love Jhumpa Lahiri’s short stories. I’m excited for Tommy Orange’s new book. I didn’t understand the ending of There There so maybe we can discuss. I should reread.

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I want to do more rereading this year.

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Ann Patchett is one of my favorite authors. I highly recommend you read her book “Run”, which isn’t mentioned as often as her others...but it’s SO good. Happy Reading!

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Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll have to add Run to my list.

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So many of these are so good. Instead of focusing on specific writers, I tend to focus on specific themes and see what emerges ... I recently discovered there's an astounding array of books with "writer's life" or "writing life" in the title and am going down that rabbit hole. But also this year I'm circling back to writers-on-writing that I love: Natalie Goldberg, Anne Lamott, SARK, Julia Cameron, Gretchen Rubin

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I love the idea of letting themes guide your reading!

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