January is the beige of months. It's okay, but it could be better. Sometimes you need beige, but most of the time, there's something more pleasing out there, like chartreuse or millennial pink. I'm not even 100% sure what color chartreuse actually is, and I'm too tired to Google it because January has taken all the strength from my tired, cold, withered, and defeated body.
At least I’m handling it well. Enjoy this week’s links and stay cozy!
In Saturday's post, I shared my most anticipated 2024 reads and mentioned that March will offer many new releases. Maris Kreizman writes about why and what to expect for Lit Hub.
The American Library Association has announced its 2024 Youth Media Awards winners. I’m always interested in the Alex Awards, the best adult books for young adults.
This is a beautiful post on suffering by Micha Boyett of The Slow Way here on Substack.
The New York Times shares 11 vintage books to inspire beautiful home design. Yes, please!
Publishers Weekly spotlights the good work of teachers and librarians and shares their plans for 2024.
McSweeney’s offers up some extra Oscar category ideas, including “World War Two-iest Picture,” which made me laugh out loud.
Rachael at Booklist Queen shares the best 1980s books. It’s an interesting list, though I think Cathedral by Raymond Carver is missing.
“Stay inside with these cozy atmospheric books set in warm, dusty libraries and grand old houses.” So begins this list of literary mysteries with a big winter mood from Electric Literature.
CrimeReads shares the best psychological thrillers of January. The Clinic and The Fury both sound great.
I appreciate this piece by Jiordan Castle about how YA books aren’t just for teens.
The Millions recommends must-read 2024 poetry releases.
What’s caught your eye lately? Thanks for reading!
Chartreuse is almost pea-green with some yellow notes...color-wise it’s not my favorite. But the liqueur by the same name is delicious! Thanks for all of the great links...and remember, January is almost over.